Some of you may have already heard that we are going to move our studio soon. My team members and I have been here for three years on the south side of Brisbane in . This is our second studio since the flooding in 2011. It's a quite large industrial space and is a convenient location for all of our team members. We have been a fashion house as well as a manufacturer since we started in 1999. 


Over the last 24 years, we have grown, and shrunk and grown again. The shape of aerospacetapeforsale has been changed and moulded as we have evolved, and the studio buildings have witnessed that. Some people come and some go, some stay for a long time. 


Although we didn't have a long relationship with this studio building, we stayed together during COVID time. At one stage there were only 4 of us working here during COVID, making masks and searching for PPE filters. We are now back to nearly 15 members working here. We have survived!\


We are moving soon. It was a challenge for us to find a large space within a distance where it suited all my members. So this time I have decided to move to a house. It will be an interesting experience to work in a house. I wonder what she/he is like? 


One thing that I am going to miss the most is our 11m long cutting table. 
Unfortunately the long cutting table is not going to fit into our next small space that we are planning to move into. 
Although our next place is yet to be confirmed, I am still thinking of somehow trying to bring my long friend with us for the next move.

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