aerospacetapeforsale - Masayo's Stories 2024-07-18T12:26:48+10:00 aerospacetapeforsale 2024-07-18T12:26:48+10:00 2024-07-18T12:26:48+10:00 FLYING THE NEST Masayo Yasuki My family and I are currently in Japan visiting my Japan for a few weeks. 
It’s unusual for us to visit during the warm season, and I completely underestimated the high humidity. In the rainy season just before summer time, the wind absorbs plenty of humid browning from China. The cold air blows through the Japanese seaside and hits the Japanese archipelago and creates a lot of rain. 

My hometown Fukui, located near the mountains has not experienced much rain this year.

As usual, my hometown has not changed much since last time I visited. 
My family and I visited my Grandmother’s grave to say hello. 
I feel completely at home every time when I see this rice field view, time travelling to 30 years ago. 

I talked to my Grandma and asked her to look after my mum who has been living in our empty house by herself since my grandma passed away 3 years ago. Every time I see my mum I can see her ageing. Our conversation is often quite similar every time I visit her. About our family and our memories. I try to tell her a bit of our story in Australia very slowly.

During this visit, I also asked my Grandma to look after my daughter in Japan. 
Naima has decided to stay in our hometown a little longer to explore the culture.  
I hope she finds something that excites her in Japan. Since she left high school, she took a GAP year. I think it’s a good time for her to explore further.

Perhaps she may stay here a lot longer than she expected, just like what I did in Australia. 

One side of my mind, I would love her to enjoy her life and explore the world. 
At the same time I can feel myself holding her to stay near us.

There are very strong accents and culture in my hometown. I wonder if she learned the unique Fukui accent as she learned Japanese.

Today we are going to leave Fukui village and head to the airport, leaving my daughter here with my sister. The first time she is living in a different country by herself away from her family.

I am writing this story while holding my mixed emotions in my mind. 

I am sure many parents experience this feeling. 

Watching their young get ready to fly while wanting them to stay close to the nest.
]]> 2024-02-26T10:29:23+10:00 2024-02-26T10:30:13+10:00 Together in Bali Masayo Yasuki I don’t really have any memories of family holidays when I was a child. All of my family were working all the time so my sister and I used to play around the rice fields and bamboo forest near my home. Now I have my own family, I am more conscious about spending time together as a family. This year, we decided to spend time together in Bali. 

Although with my teen kids, they often go to their own room after a few days of spending together as a family.

Some elements of Bali reminds me of old Japan about 30-40 years ago. 
Maybe the rich green mountains and layers of forever rice fields? Things are quite slow here and people live a simple life.


I fell in love with people in Bali.
They are always smiling and so happy.

We see the beautiful offerings called Canang everywhere here in Bali.
The word means beautiful and it’s their family wish to live happily for the day.


Those unique and vibrant blend of Hindu-Buddhist traditions, local customs, and a rich artistic heritage that has been maintained for ages and kept as Balinese culture so special. 

I felt a strange sensation of time-travel to my old home town 30 years ago in Japan in the last few weeks with my family in Bali. It has been a very interesting experience.


During my trip to Bali, many of my old childhood memories came back to me.
When I see old people smiling to us, it reminded me of my neighbours, and old relatives talking to me.

I wonder if there are many sprits coming here for the end of year ceremonies?

The temperature is quite high here at the moment, and we don’t go out so much during day. I am enjoying praying now in my room remembering my old childhood time with my grand parents in the rice field.

The only issue now is getting to the airport due to road works. Yesterday, people were advised to walk to the airport as traffic had been delayed by 4 hours. Now I wish I packed some sneakers as I only have thongs. I better offering Canang today for not to have to walk to the airport with our suitcases…😅

]]> 2024-01-08T13:47:46+10:00 2024-01-08T13:47:46+10:00 RED OF JAPAN Masayo Yasuki In Japan, the colour red has several special meanings.
It represents strength and happiness, passion and love - but also, self sacrifice and blood..


There are so many types of red we use in Japan. Each red indicates a different history and meanings.
To me the colour vermilion is the true Japanese red.

The red, which has a slight orange tone to it was traditionally created from the Safflower.



We use this particular red in many temples, shrine gates and as talismans to protect from harm.

Red is a mysterious colour to me.
Especially kimono in red.

]]> 2023-12-04T14:54:53+10:00 2023-12-04T14:54:54+10:00 DREAMING IN YAYOI - HIMIKO Masayo Yasuki About 1800 years ago in Japan, there was a female queen named HIMIKO.

Her story is shrouded in mystery and controversy throughout the entire Asian region. Bound to 3 different families, her last name was Yamatototohimomosohime-no-Mikoto, and she was the first female queen who ruled Japan (having 1000 female servants and 1 male.)

HIMIKO was believed to be a shamaness queen who interacted with the spirit world through altered states of consciousness.


People used to strongly connect with their ancestors and wished for a better harvest for the year. They offered part of their harvest to the country at that time and farming was the most important aspect of their lives.

HIMIKO never married to a mortal as she was the wife of the god.


The community worshiped the land and respected HIMIKO as the wife of the harvest god who could communicate with gods who can protect the land and the people.

After 1800 years now, we are still connected with our ancestors and wish for the same happiness, safety and abundance.

As I read the story of HIMIKO I dream of the simple yet turbulent times of the YAYOI PERIOD.

]]> 2023-12-04T14:37:51+10:00 2023-12-04T14:37:51+10:00 MY FAMILY TRIP Masayo Yasuki Last weekend we went to North Stradbroke Island / Minjerribah for our family holiday. These days whenever we can, I try to plan a family holiday.
My son has now finished playing soccer and he is no longer playing every weekend. My daughter is in her gap year and hopefully going back to uni next year. So often there are weekends when we can spend time together with my children as a family.

Although as much as I want to spend time with them, they don't really want to spend time with me. They rather spend their time with their friends. 
Recently I started to have more and more of my own time without my children on the weekend. It's kind of strange for me, because I used to be so busy with them every weekend. 


Now my children are teenagers and my daughter has finished high school, I have this strange sad feeling of children leaving home soon.

When I ask my children if they want to come to our family holiday, they don't seem so excited anymore. They can't seem bothered to respond to me. My son asks me if he can bring his friend along. Hmm.... Not sure what to say to him? It was supposed to be a family holiday!
Do your children ask you this? How do you respond to this kind of question? 


During this family holiday, I included a few of those good friends and we took them all along. Originally I wanted to spend time only as a family, but my children are normally either in their rooms on social media, or watching netflix. 
There is no point in us going on holiday. But this time, it was different. 
My daughter and her friends were constantly talking, laughing and so excited with everything and anything. My daughter doesn't react when I tell her about kangaroos normally.

But this weekend their tone of voices were higher and I can see the excitement of the friends' experiences. They played guitar and sang songs, kicked the ball, played chess and laughed a lot. It was such great energy for the entire holiday.


The beach was within walking distance. So they could all walk to the beach and look after themselves.
It was a lovely holiday.

Now for this festive season, what is your family holiday looking like? 
How do you interact with your children?

]]> 2023-11-28T15:13:03+10:00 2023-11-28T15:13:04+10:00 SHINOBI WRAP Masayo Yasuki
I have been collecting kimonos and Japanese antiques for many years. 
When I feel those old pieces of Japan, it takes me to the old days before I was born, yet I feel like I was there in the past at some time. Less and less people wear kimonos in Japan these days. It is not easy to wear a kimono nor easy to move in. 
Each panel is carefully hand stitched to create kimonos. 
It shows the slow living of the old days.
Everyday bathing was for rich people. Most people used to bathe once a week.
Before dry cleaning was introduced, kimonos were unstitched and all pieces were then hand washed carefully using a long pole. Then those kimonos were restitched at the end of season. Can you imagine unstitching all pieces of a kimono and restitching it again every year?  
People who are not good at cleaning used to barter with their neighbors and/or friends with food. Recently I made Shinobi wraps from vintage summer kimonos. It's like a short jacket that can be worn on top of dresses and skirts. 
Summer kimonos are made from one layer instead of having an extra lining inside. It's a see through texture and sometimes it's woven with different colours inside.
Most summer kimonos are black. When it's worn in reverse, each seam becomes a unique accent. The kimono sleeve creates a beautiful shape and balances the jacket. Would you wear a kimono jacket called SHINOBI WRAP? 
I love the way we add our own story to each piece and it becomes our history of Australia. 
My way of KIN-TSUGI philosophy. 
]]> 2023-10-17T15:30:06+10:00 2023-10-17T15:30:07+10:00 MY BEST TEAM at aerospacetapeforsale. Masayo Yasuki In the last few months, my aerospacetapeforsale team has been working very hard to get our Spring/Summer collection ready for New York. This is the final week for the completion and it has been a big challenge for all of us to meet the deadline.

Not only that, we have been also working on a uniform for the Queensland Youth Orchestra for their upcoming European tour while collaborating with Queensland's first nation artist Delvene Cockatoo Collins. Sometimes all deadlines come at once and we just have to deal with it.

This season we have done our collection differently to any of the other seasons.
We are working on SS23 for our Australian market as well as SS24 for the US market all at once.


When I originally decided to do the two summer collections at once, I was very concerned if my team members could cope with the pressure. I believe that the success of the collection depends on the team work.

Now we are about to release the collection in NY and the showing starts next week, I was so surprised with my team's calmness. They are all helping each other and supporting each other.


Maybe after it is all done I will be able to sleep for a full night.
Without my team and without my customers, aerospacetapeforsale would not exist.

I am forever grateful to all of you.

]]> 2023-10-13T11:37:02+10:00 2023-10-13T11:37:03+10:00 The Old Museum Masayo Yasuki "I was here once before.
My very being resonates with the pulse of existence within these walls, though the tapestry of recollections has faded from the canvas of my mind.
How distant those epochs seem, as fragments of memories weave an ephemeral dance through my essence, caressed by the timeworn embrace of this edifice.

A query lingers on the edge of my lips, yet solitude is my sole companion in this sacred space.

Beside the window, adorned with the patina of age, I stand, an ode to a time when laughter and love brushed against the contours of these walls.

The echo of clasped hands and secrets exchanged in hushed tones still whispers through the corridors of my soul.

My spirit comes from no beginning nor end."
]]> 2023-09-19T10:38:03+10:00 2023-09-19T10:38:03+10:00 Wisteria of Reconnection Masayo Yasuki It’s the third anniversary since my Grandma passed away 2 years ago.
In Buddhism, the year when someone passes away is counted as 1 year.

September also has equinoctial week (Ohegan - when we welcome our ancestors to come back to our would and celebrate together).
We believe that around 20th September, our world and their world are the closest in distance. We reconnect.

We normally put a lantern in front of our house to make sure that their spirits come back to us safely.

I just found that my wisteria was blossoming this morning. I remember full blossom wisteria were everywhere in my hometown at the beginning of spring.

When I was little, my Grandma used to take my sister and I for a walk to enjoy watching the wisteria garden near our home.

I know she will come and see me even here in Australia because of this wisteria in front of my garden. Only she and I know about this.


My work has been so busy lately and I haven’t spoken to any of my family in Japan. I feel so far away from all of them. My mind is a bit scattered also and I feel I am losing focus lately.

I was rushing to take my son to his soccer game and saw my wisteria was blossoming in my front garden this morning, it made me slow down and think about reconnection.

I better call my mum tonight and say hello.
I feel a little awkward because I haven’t made the effort to call her and ask how she has been.

In your country do you celebrate your ancestors? How do you reconnect to them?

]]> 2023-09-19T10:19:31+10:00 2023-09-19T10:19:32+10:00 Spring's Woven Echoes: Threads of My Hometown Masayo Yasuki My hometown was and still is surrounded by rice fields that seem to go on forever. When spring comes, all of a sudden our neighbours and workmen from our village gather together and start working in the field. 


They wear their own Rice Field uniforms and wrap with old aprons. 
All different types of check and stripes were mixed together and the crosshatch collection of fields became very lively. 
As soon as I see stripes and check it reminds me of my hometown. My sister and I used to watch and enjoy the smell of fresh and burned grass.


When summer comes the rice field becomes greener. The women wear deep triangle straw hats to avoid the sun. The colourful materials worn to cover their faces and necks looked beautiful in the greenfield.           
I remember those mixed patterns looked very interesting. Japanese workman uniforms are quite conservative but I liked their indigo colours and the range of muted sun bleached tones. Many of them lined up together in the fields to plant rice, they looked beautiful in my eyes. 


For this coming collection, I am deeply inspired by these Japanese workmen clothes.
Here is the first styling of the striped linen Kosa Jacket and Wide Pants

How would you wear STRIPE? 

]]> 2023-09-19T10:16:01+10:00 2023-09-19T10:16:02+10:00 MY PLEATED MEMORIES Masayo Yasuki The way of expressing my Japanese culture is to mix structure and softness in textures. I don't really think about it much but it must have always been in my subconscious.

In Japan, most girl's school uniform skirts were pleated when I was young.
I loathed the pleated skirt at that time and we thought it was cool to make the skirt longer. 
(I got in trouble by my teacher for doing it) 

Now I like pleated skirts.
The asymmetrical cut in my designs must be coming from Kimono layering. 
Even though the Kimono itself is symmetrical, the layering cloth often shows a slight unbalance in my eye.
It can be a little difficult to describe Japanese beauty.  
These days the term "Wabi Sabi" is becoming more understood and used in Western society. Unbalanced beauty is everywhere. I often see beauty in both structured and unstructured objects. 
Here is my 'unstructured' structure in my styling.
Can you see the Japanese elements in my design? 

]]> 2023-07-14T10:10:12+10:00 2023-07-14T10:11:00+10:00 Taishi's Guitar Masayo Yasuki
I am sure many of you may have experienced something similar to my story?
My son recently started to play guitar. He is into music (at the moment) and most of the time he wears his earphones wherever he goes and especially in the car when I try to talk to him..



I am sure many of you may have experienced something similar to my story?
My son recently started to play guitar. He is into music (at the moment) and most of the time he wears his earphones wherever he goes and especially in the car when I try to talk to him..

Teens influence each other with their music choices and no doubt my son's music tastes have been changing constantly. I much prefer him playing music instead of playing computer games. 

He is recently playing some retro music from the 70's and 80's. I can even sing along with him. That's often have a happy time together singing songs that we both know. 


My son is practicing 'Blackbird' from the Beatles at the moment. 
During these school holidays, he didn't play computer games so much, instead he was practicing guitar in his room most of the time until late at night. 
He plays the same phrase over and over for ever...

It's about 20 or 30 seconds long and it goes over and over for all day and night.
it doesn't seem to go any further than that. Just only the one phrase.
I often think it's good enough and I want him to move onto the next phrase. 
I nearly screamed at him to stop practicing the same thing. But I tried to be patient not to tell him.

After a few weeks of his constant practice, I think his guitar skills have improved a lot. I didn't know that he was that enthusiastic and patient on something he loves, other than gaming.


Being parents, we sometimes need to be patient as well don't we? 
I don't tell my son, but I go a bit crazy with the song. I hope he moves onto the next phrase soon. 
Even when he is not practicing I still can't get rid of the song looping in my mind all day..!

]]> 2023-06-19T09:59:56+10:00 2023-06-19T09:59:56+10:00 My Daughter's Artistic Journey Masayo Yasuki My 18 year old daughter graduated high school last year.
She is taking a 6 month gap year at the moment and is due to go to university to study Industrial Design at QUT.
It sounded all good and my daughter has been chilling at home every day and having a good time.
No rush to go to school any more .. No need for her to iron her school uniform nor making her lunch..(Although most of the time I used to make her lunch..)
Sleeping until lunch time. So I don't necessarily see her during the weekdays.
Are your teen children the same? I want to know if your children sleep until lunch time..?

She then wakes up and start to draw. She picks some objects and idea and spend hours just drawing .. all day.
My daughter really has good patience .. or determination..?
Not sure what it is. But I hope it's one of her strengths.
Her drawing skills has definitely improved over the years.
Now recently she is saying that she wants to study as a tattooist.

Okay.... but not quite okay by me.
I love tattoo. It's a beautiful type of art.

But in my mind, there is a something that I can't say YES from my heart.
My grand father used to have serious tattoos on his back.
None of my family ever talked about it and there was always an implied understanding in my family not to talk about it.
These days tattoo are seen as more casual. but in my country town, it's a still big cultural matter. All my family in Japan will be shocked to hear that my daughter wants to be tattooist.

As much as I want her to be free and enjoy her life, I could see myself holding some emotion deep in my mind.
I said to her ..
"You won't be able to go to public hot spring in Japan if you have tattoo.."
What a nonsense comment, even though it is true... But I didn't know what else I could say to her.

One more month till her university commencing day, I can imagine my worries are going to continue for a while as my children grow.
]]> 2023-05-18T14:47:36+10:00 2023-05-18T14:47:37+10:00 IMPERFECTIONS SHOW AUTHENTICITY Masayo Yasuki
Deconstructed and aged with nature
Last year when I re-visited the Monju Mountain near my hometown in Fukui village, everything seemed to remain the same as I had remembered when I was a little girl. I wonder how many people have visited this mountain in the last 30 years? 
As soon as I step onto this mountain, the smell and sounds suddenly takes me back to my childhood, playing in this magical bush mountain. The thickness of the leaves underfoot show me the passage of time. 
It is the same forest, but somewhat aged and deconstructed. 
Is it me or nature? 
I am forever finding a way of living that focuses on recognising beauty within the imperfections of life and peacefully accepting the natural cycle of growth and decay. 
Is there a certain place somewhere that makes you feel this way too?
]]> 2023-05-05T09:15:02+10:00 2023-05-17T16:33:19+10:00 MOVING STUDIOS Masayo Yasuki
We have just moved to South Brisbane!
This week, we have just moved to our new studio at South Brisbane.
It took a while for us to find this space which can keep our 11 meter long cutting table. We have painted the cutting table with fresh white and are now ready to take it to the new place. 
This is our 25th year since aerospacetapeforsale started and I feel that it's a new chapter for all of us. Hopefully we will introduce our new premises once we settle in the next few weeks. Over the years, our aerospacetapeforsale family has grown and shifted into something beyond my imagination. Meeting many different personalities and creative looks.
I am looking forward to what South Brisbane will bring us. I am hoping to open a little retail space to show you all and share our expertise to the public in future. 
Here is our 11 meter long cutting table becoming our statement piece in our new studio at South Brisbane. 
See you all soon!
]]> 2023-03-01T09:32:07+10:00 2023-05-17T16:53:49+10:00 OUR NEXT CHAPTER Masayo Yasuki

Some of you may have already heard that we are going to move our studio soon. My team members and I have been here for three years on the south side of Brisbane in . This is our second studio since the flooding in 2011. It's a quite large industrial space and is a convenient location for all of our team members. We have been a fashion house as well as a manufacturer since we started in 1999. 


Over the last 24 years, we have grown, and shrunk and grown again. The shape of aerospacetapeforsale has been changed and moulded as we have evolved, and the studio buildings have witnessed that. Some people come and some go, some stay for a long time. 


Although we didn't have a long relationship with this studio building, we stayed together during COVID time. At one stage there were only 4 of us working here during COVID, making masks and searching for PPE filters. We are now back to nearly 15 members working here. We have survived!\


We are moving soon. It was a challenge for us to find a large space within a distance where it suited all my members. So this time I have decided to move to a house. It will be an interesting experience to work in a house. I wonder what she/he is like? 


One thing that I am going to miss the most is our 11m long cutting table. 
Unfortunately the long cutting table is not going to fit into our next small space that we are planning to move into. 
Although our next place is yet to be confirmed, I am still thinking of somehow trying to bring my long friend with us for the next move.

]]> 2023-02-13T14:55:19+10:00 2023-05-17T16:51:48+10:00 Kuma's Spirit Masayo Yasuki
It was only 1 week since our dearest dog Kuma passed away suddenly.
It was unexpected death of our Akita family member.
It's almost like she was waiting for us to come back from our Japan trip, and then she ended her life.



It was only 1 week since our dearest dog Kuma passed away suddenly.
It was unexpected death of our Akita family member.
It's almost like she was waiting for us to come back from our Japan trip, and then she ended her life.

Did she consciously choose to end her life? Her body didn't work the same as it used to. Kuma spent her entire 12 years of life growing with my children and protecting us all. There are so many beautiful memories that we created together. I don’t understand why this has happened so quickly. I keep asking and asking what does this really mean to us.


At the end of last year my daughter finished high school. I was quite excited to experience our new journey from this year. It will be different without Kuma. It was so sudden when Kuma passed away, all of our family were so shocked and having a challenging time with the adjustment. It feels like her spirit has been with us even though we can’t see her any more.
We miss her deeply.


In Buddhism we believe that all lives reincarnate. Once we have been connected in this life, or a passed life, we will reconnect together in our next lives. There is a huge gap in our family and we feel the emptiness. Whatever we do, Kuma was always there with us. It still feels that way.


Hopefully one day we will be able to stop crying for missing you Kuma, but we will be excited to meet you again somewhere in our next life.

Beautiful drawing of Kuma by @kerrihobba

Second drawing of Kuma by @naimadrawings when she was 11 years old

]]> 2023-02-08T10:28:03+10:00 2023-05-18T09:26:22+10:00 aerospacetapeforsale UNISEX COLLECTION? Masayo Yasuki
We have been asked for many years to create a UNISEX or/and MEN'S COLLECTION. My team and I have been working on a small UNISEX COLLECTION for a while. This is a little sneak peak of our styling that we did yesterday. My 16 year old son attempted to be a model for this photoshoot.


We have been asked for many years to create a UNISEX or/and MEN'S COLLECTION. My team and I have been working on a small UNISEX COLLECTION for a while. 
This is a little sneak peak of our styling that we did yesterday.
My 16 year old son attempted to be a model for this photoshoot.
Hmm.. he looks a little awkward but at least we can see what the range will look like.
He didn't have any suitable shoes so we tried to make his socks look like Japanese tabi. This is our last week of preparation for our Autumn / Winter collection. Would you wear print on print? Please let me know what you would like to see in my UNISEX collection. You never know, you may see my son wearing your requested designs in the next shoot.
But first he might have to work on improving his 'Blue Steel' face.
Beautiful Suzuri artwork by @sabine_von_graz
Thank you @jennaalycecox for your great modelling coaching on him yesterday 
Beautiful Akubra hat supplied by @brisbanehatters
]]> 2023-01-20T15:00:44+10:00 2023-05-18T09:23:31+10:00 RENEWED INSPIRATION Masayo Yasuki After my first trip to Japan in 3 years, I am now fully recharged.
All the things we experienced in Japan I saw with fresh eyes.
I almost feel like I have visited a new world.

Now, with just a few weeks till my Autumn collection deadline, I'm planning to change and adjust the range at the last minute.

All the things I have seen and experienced in Japan, will now be incorporated into my designs. I can't wait to share it all with you soon.
]]> 2023-01-13T10:17:46+10:00 2023-05-17T16:49:39+10:00 MESSENGER TO THE MOUNTAIN GOD Masayo Yasuki
During my trip in Kyoto, we visited FUSHIMI Inari shrine. More than 2000 years ago, wolves were known as messengers to the god of harvest. Farmers used to worship those wolves that lived in the mountains and the villages.



During my trip in Kyoto, we visited FUSHIMI Inari shrine.

More than 2000 years ago, wolves were known as messengers to the god of harvest. Farmers used to worship those wolves that lived in the mountains and the villages. About 1300 years ago when harvest time was established those wolves were pushed away to the deep mountains and foxes started to appear instead.


I did not know what to expect from this experience.

It was my first experience and as soon as we stepped into the mountain the temperature dropped immediately. We were surrounded by mountain forest.


We then slowly went through those red gates - TORII.
There are thousands of those red gates, the sacred gates to the way to connect to the mountain gods. It took us to the completely different space and it was beautiful but mysterious.


Foxes were known as messenger to the mountain gods and have been living in the mountain for a long time.

When we were going up the stone steps, so many things went through my mind. All things I did last year and things I couldn’t do... about family, friends in Australia and Japan.



It took almost 1.5 hours to the top.
More than 14000 steps to go through.
As much as it was an effort, I couldn’t stop half way.

It was important to GO THROUGH those gates.


Every time when I walk to the end, it felt like someone was watching us from the forest between the red gates.

I wonder if those foxes were watching us ..
We were all powered by them for sure.

Power of nature. ..

]]> 2023-01-11T09:28:35+10:00 2023-05-17T16:54:38+10:00 HEADING HOME Masayo Yasuki I am currently in Japan travelling with my two children.
I wanted to travel a little bit in this trip as my daughter just finished her high school and wanted to have a good experiences and our memories together.




I am currently in Japan travelling with my two children.
I wanted to travel a little bit in this trip as my daughter just finished her high school and wanted to have a good experiences and our memories together.


Arriving in Osaka, we have stayed few days here. It’s a big city and my children were so excited with everything they saw. We then moved to a place called Okayama located south of Osaka. I never been in this town. My old school friend and her family live in this town.


I was originally planning to stay at my friend’s place for one night. But we ended up staying more days. we had so many things to talk about our memories and the future. Looking around in Okayama and the surrounding areas and islands. I really fell in love with this places. I love travelling without fixed plans.
How about you?


There are so many arts this area that I was amazed and beautiful histories.
Spontaneous travelling could end up some unexpected surprises which can be good and bad. Some art galleries were closed due to the end of year.
But it’s ok. There are reason to come back this town again.
We had an amazing time together here.


Now I am slowly heading to my hometown Fukui tomorrow. Somehow I am feeling a little hesitating to go back to my hometown. Somewhere in my mind, I have a little fear and sadness to go back to my home. Everyone when I go home, my grandma was so excited to welcome me back. After COVID, I am now going home. The home where my grandma is no longer there. I don’t know what to say or how to start conversation with my mum.


Slowly slowly heading to my home town. As I see the view of Japan sea side, my old memories will be coming back to my mind. Half of my mind is excited to spend time with my children in my country, and at the same time I have a mixed emotion and that I can’t ignore.


Here in Okayama is sunny day today. After a long time in train, we will go through several mountains. Then once going through the final tunnel we will be expecting to see the white snow world. My home town, Fukui.
We better purchase gumboots tomorrow before we arrive the snow country.

]]> 2022-12-07T10:45:23+10:00 2023-05-17T16:54:23+10:00 NAIMA AND I Masayo Yasuki Naima, my 18 year old daughter just graduated high school. There are so many memories and emotions from the last 18 years, yet it feels like I am watching a movie in fast forward.



Naima, my 18 year old daughter just graduated high school.
There are so many memories and emotions from the last 18 years, yet it feels like I am watching a movie in fast forward.

As soon as my daughter's name was called out and she walked to the front stage of the ceremony, my tears came out immediately. All the memories of 18 years of our life coming through my mind, just like old film.

I have been having strange mixed emotions about Naima and this graduation day. As much as I am so happy to see her beautiful growth, somewhere in my mind, I am having a struggle about letting her go.
I have a sad feeling about it, I can't share this feeling with anyone.

One day, my grandma told me that she regretted letting me come to Australia.
As much as she was happy with me exploring the world she was so sad not to be able to see me as often as she wanted.
I rarely went back to my small hometown.

She passed away last year and I couldn't see her.

Now I am having the same emotions towards my daughter.


We experience many different emotions in our life and we can't avoid them.
Sometimes I wish we could.
But in the end, I am grateful to have experienced such a wonderful chapter of our life together.
Naima and I.

]]> 2022-11-21T12:00:53+10:00 2023-05-18T09:24:11+10:00 Monono Aware - Sense of Impermanence Masayo Yasuki

A flowing river continues changing it's shape and speed, it will never go back to the way it was.
Everything on this earth is the same as a river.
Reminding us that the only thing in the universe that will never change, is the fact that everything changes.


Sense of Impermanence

Through Tiel's creations, I experienced the memories of my childhood, the views of the rice fields that I grew up with. The bamboo bush behind my old house that I thought would never change.
It was not an exciting view at that time.
But now that I get older, that view stays in my heart forever.
All those memories and sentimental beauty.
Art has the power to move people, reminding them of a place they once were or somewhere they long to be.

I felt so fortunate to be able to work with Tiel on a series of pieces for this summer. 
Throughout the collaboration with @Tiel_Seivl_Keevers I learnt a lot about the importance and appreciation of every moment of our lives. Regardless of happiness and sadness, it’s beautiful because of the impermanence. 
See Tiel's work:
]]> 2022-11-21T11:46:12+10:00 2023-05-17T16:55:23+10:00 MEMORIES OF MATSURI Masayo Yasuki

After the big storms at the beginning of summer, I still remember the excitement of waiting for the summer festival in Japan called Natsu Matsuri.
It is a colourful festival culture displayed in many villages in Japan.. 
The Mikuni Matsuri in my hometown near the beach has a massive fireworks display every year and it's quite famous. 
My Grandma and our neighbours would get ready by preparing the traditional festival food for the gathering. 

My sister and I got so excited weeks before, waiting for the day to come. 
On the festival day, We go there early to get the best space near the shore and wait until dusk arrives.
It takes a few hours to walk to the beach and we used to love the journey. 

Gradually more and more people come to fill the beach and by 5 O'clock, the whole Mikuni beach is filled with people. 
My Grandma would give us €10 each for the day and we were always very careful choosing what to spend our money on.
When the fireworks start around 6:00 at night, the vibration through the ocean gets to our body. We know that is the starting time. 
Three Seconds later, we see the biggest fireworks in the dark sky with a huge noise. 
The fireworks fill the entire sky and all of us become silent.  The most beautiful fireworks in the world!
Then another one comes out. We kept looking in the sky and couldn't stop to close our eyes out of fear we would miss some of them. 
By then the Ramune drink bottle (lemonade drink with the little marble inside the lid) that we bought was empty. I tilt the glass bottle to try to drink the last drop.
I still remember those vivid colours of fireworks reflecting through the Ramune glass bottle.
After the fireworks we all go to small stores and buy candies. 
Every summer after the storm the colourful memory of Matsuri comes to my mind.
One of my favorite memories with my sister.
I wonder if my sister has the same colour memory that I have. 

Fireworks Photos by @kanazawanoji

]]> 2022-08-15T10:21:35+10:00 2023-05-18T09:31:23+10:00 SPRING SUMMER COLLECTION Masayo Yasuki My team and I have been very busy working on our SS collection at the studio.
This season I will be featuring 3 mini collections, the first collection is all about BORO and HAGIRE works. 


My team and I have been very busy working on our SS collection at the studio.
This season I will be featuring 3 mini collections, the first collection is all about BORO and HAGIRE works. BORO is a traditional Japanese hand stitching technique whilst HAGIRE means off cuts.

Combined with a little more structured silhouette this coming season, we have created quite a unique collection which I am delighted to share with you.
This is just a small peak into what we have been working on in the last few months.

Please let me know what kind of designs you would like to see from us at aerospacetapeforsale!
]]> 2022-08-09T11:41:12+10:00 2023-05-18T09:24:19+10:00 RED OF JAPAN Masayo Yasuki When Autumn dyes the whole mountain with several shades of red, people not only see, but can feel the change of the new coming season.
Soon the temperature drops quickly and all animals and insects are getting ready for a tough winter.



When Autumn dyes the whole mountain with several shades of red, people not only see, but can feel the change of the new coming season.
Soon the temperature drops quickly and all animals and insects are getting ready for a tough winter.


On the way home from the mountains during the cooler Autumn days, people collect firewood, pick tree nuts and enjoy watching maple leaves and the other creatures celebrating the beautiful colours of the new season arrival.
The deep red of the Autumn leaves indicates fragility and the preciousness of life in Japan.


Welcoming the cold hard Winter, we used to entrust our heart and body with those momiji leaves, knowing that if we have faith, we will see the warm spring soon enough.

]]> 2022-08-01T11:58:32+10:00 2023-05-17T17:14:24+10:00 Monju Mountain Masayo Yasuki I went to Monju mountain in my home town with my good friends and my children to celebrate the end of 2017. I did not know what to expect.




I went to Monju mountain in my home town with my good friends and my children to celebrate the end of 2017. I did not know what to expect.
As soon as we stepped onto the mountain, the temperature dropped immediately. The snow was knee deep and we were surrounded by mountain forest. It took us to a completely different space and it was beautiful, but also mysterious.


Tengu goblin has been living in this mountain. He is a long nosed Goblin or bird like monster and has been living in this mountain as a protector for a 1000s of years. He is also considered to be a mountain god who can change his form.
When we are walking through the mountain, so many things went through my mind. Firstly, I wondered if Tengu was watching us, and then i thought about all the things I did this year and all the things I couldn’t do... about my family and friends, Australia and Japan.


It took almost 1.5 hours to reach the top, by the time we arrived my mind was completely calm. On the way down however, than calmness did not last long, whenever I trekked at the back of the line, it felt like we were being watched.
Perhaps Tengu was just making sure to grant us safe passage through his forest.


Featuring the Henge Shapeshifter - As an incantation moves matter into magic, this piece shifts from skirt to coat.

]]> 2022-07-22T12:42:53+10:00 2023-05-17T17:13:47+10:00 To whom I never met before Masayo Yasuki I recently purchased those beautiful old Japanese threads in a box from Facebook marketplace. It was an impulse purchase and it reminded me of my mum who used to make kimonos when she was young in Kyoto.



I recently purchased those beautiful old Japanese threads in a box from Facebook marketplace. It was an impulse purchase and it reminded me of my mum who used to make kimonos when she was young in Kyoto. Those old Japanese pins in a tin box took me to my home in Japan, my mum used to use them all the time. All kimonos are made by hand gently. When I received the thread box, I met a young lady who reminded me of my daughter. Maybe mid 30's? She told me a story about why she is selling those Japanese threads, and about her Japanese mum who used to make kimonos when she was young in Japan. 

The story of her mum was so fascinating, and I wanted to know more about her mum. Her mum met an Australian man and fell in love. She showed me a beautiful photo of her mum. The old sepia coloured photo indicated the duration of past time.They have been living in Australia and have a beautiful daughter. A few years ago she lost her husband and now no longer makes kimonos.

She now lives by herself in aged care. The whole story made me feel a little sad. I wish I could talk to her face to face if I could. Especially when we get older and when my children become independent I wonder how I will feel one day. The cultures, the languages and our dialect, the home cooked food, the smell of winter air coming through between the wooden door and fire in the hearth cooking mountain vegetables.

All I could do was write a handwritten letter to this lady that I had never met before. I packed Japanese food with the little letter, I hope she could enjoy the little moment of Japan.

]]> 2022-07-18T10:34:00+10:00 2023-05-17T17:09:51+10:00 Memories of my hometown. Masayo Yasuki I grew up in a snowy country village in Japan. The amount of snow that we have is so much, sometimes we had to go outside from the second floor. The view of the snowy horizon was incredibly beautiful.



 I grew up in a snowy country village in Japan. The amount of snow that we have is so much, sometimes we had to go outside from the second floor. The view of the snowy horizon was incredibly beautiful. In my garage at home, my family’s old straw jackets were hanging there for a long time.  

I always remember the old straw jacket.
It was my grand mother's jacket. I didn’t remember that she wore the jacket. 

The Yo-kan box had a symbol of a little boy wearing a straw jacket in the package also. When I was a little girl, we used to enjoy this Japanese sweet called Yo-kan. It's like a jelly kind of texture, and it's made of red beans. It was a luxury sweet for us. In Japan, we have a gift culture, and we often take this Yo-kan box to people as a gift and we are also often given by others in my home town. When I saw the Yo-kan box on the table after school, my sister and I were so excited and couldn't wait for my father to come home and open the box. In our home we had to give the first piece to our Buddha, then my grandfather. After that the whole family got to eat.

I still miss Yo-Kan from my hometown which has the little guy wearing the straw jacket. Same as my grandmothers in our garage. Little memories of my hometown like this take me back to slower times.

]]> 2022-07-11T11:11:35+10:00 2023-05-18T10:07:51+10:00 DRESS THAT DANCES Masayo Yasuki On a cold winter day, I am wearing a dress that dances. As I take slow steps in my room the fabric starts moving back and forward and inviting my bowler hat to come along.


On a cold winter day, I am wearing a dress that dances. As I take slow steps in my room the fabric starts moving back and forward and inviting my bowler hat to come along.
Opening the front door I step out. I can already feel the warm sunlight shining on me.  My feet are light and fast and start to sync with the rhythm of my dress fringes. I don't know where I am going but the cloth is taking me somewhere I have never been.
With my heart beating, my dress is dancing.
I am feeling excited to experience something new.
I love it when I know I am about to have a special day.
This is a moment I know I am shining.