aerospacetapeforsale - Lifestyle 2023-08-21T16:21:28+10:00 aerospacetapeforsale 2023-08-21T16:21:28+10:00 2023-08-21T16:21:29+10:00 Weekend Painting Masayo Yasuki This weekend, both of my children are out with their friends and I had time on my own. This is quite unusual for me as I am normally very busy with one of my children on the weekend. When there is spare time, someone like me has a strange feeling. Why do I feel guilty about this? 

I assume this kind of spare time will be appearing more and more as our children grow up. With having spare time, I should not feel guilty and should be excited about spending time for myself. So I thought I will do some painting this weekend.

It was my high school time when I last painted. I am totally a beginner.
I went to @eckersleys and purchased a few acrylic paints, canvases and other materials that are needed. By the way, people working there are so kind and helpful.

I always thought painting is something I would enjoy and will be easy to achieve.
I myself am quite a creative person and will naturally get into it.


Before starting I had a vision of what I wanted to paint. I wanted to create some textile designs for a scarf to go with my structured design. (Monshiro Jacket)
So perhaps something abstract with a bit of colour?
As soon as I saw the blank canvas, I started to feel a little unsure about where to start.


As I began to paint I started to get more confused and changed my mind about what I wanted to achieve. I have no idea what I am doing. I now have to walk away and hope to have a fresh mind later. It is, however, very relaxing and fun.

I know many of you are amazing artists. How do you start your creation in painting? Do you change your mind many times like me? I am a bit stuck at the moment... Is it only me that can see a little unicorn in my painting? Not sure how he arrived in my painting but he needs to go... that's all I know for now.

]]> 2023-05-18T10:14:20+10:00 2023-05-18T10:14:35+10:00 MONK FOOD Masayo Yasuki

The price of vegetables and fruits have been expensive recently, it makes me choose carefully what food to consume these days.
In our busy society, there are so many choices of food, we often don't think too much about selecting food because of it's ease or convenience.
I recently met my good friend's son, Issa who is only 18 years old and who is really conscious of the ingredients he chooses to cook.
For his age, he surprised me with the amount of food knowledge he has and the way he styles food is quite amazing.

Issa makes many kinds of food. Here he created his version of monk food, we call SHOJIN FOOD.
Without using complex flavors, SHOJIN food is vegan and can help to keep one focused, mentally and physically diligent.


This MONK FOOD created by Issa I wish you could have tasted.
If you would like to try it for yourself, please follow Issa's recipe below.
It uses simple ingredients that are available here in Australia and it is healthy and delicious!

Issa @theonethatcooks_

Issa's recipe

- 1 to 3 Firm tofu
- Cornstarch
- Swiss mushroom, thinly sliced
- Pea Shoots (optional)
- 4 tbsp (60ml) soy sauce
- 2 tbsp (30ml) mirin
- 2 tbsp (28g) sugar
- 1 tbsp (15ml) sake

1.Cut tofu into either three small even cubes or one large cube
2. Combine soy sauce and mirin in small bowl. Sugar and sake into separate bowls.
3. Coat tofu with cornstarch on all sides.
4. Fry tofu on all sides until crispy. Remove and set aside.
5a. Drizzle oil from the pan on the mushrooms. Use a blowtorch and sear the mushrooms until nicely charred
5b. Or cook the mushrooms in the pan used for the tofu until evenly brown.
6. Deglaze the pan with sake and cook off the alcohol, about to 2 - 5 minutes
7. Lower the heat and add the mirin, soy sauce, and sugar.
8. Reduce the sauce until it turns into a syrupy consistency.
9. Remove the pan from the heat and add the tofu back to the pan. Generously coat the tofu with the sauce.
10. Remove the glazed tofu on your plate of choice and evenly layer the mushrooms. Carefully garnish with peashoots if using.

All plates are handmade by @allfiredup.pottery

Images by @riverimages

]]> 2023-04-14T13:29:19+10:00 2023-05-18T09:20:35+10:00 LAYERING FOR AUTUMN Masayo Yasuki
Autumn. I put on a light weight long sleeve top this morning.
Every year I choose less and less thick jumpers and coats in the Winter season. These days I feel more heat as I am aging.



Autumn. I put on a light weight long sleeve top this morning.
Every year I choose less and less thick jumpers and coats in the Winter season. These days I feel more heat as I am aging.
So I choose thinner pieces and layer them for my day wear. This way I can add/remove layers and adjust my body temperature.
What do you think of the Starfinder collection for this Autumn/Winter?

With the combination of this Starfinder crop top, and the wrap as well as the long asymmetrical cardi, we can create many different unique styles.
It's cotton based light weight knit with different colours.
I personally like to wear those pieces on top of a dress, tunic or simple casual jeans.


I added a Hiroko knit high neck top underneath.
What colour is in your mind in this coming Autumn/Winter?
Please share with us how you would like to layer for this season?


Perhaps don't style with a pencil in your hair like I accidentally did.

Photography by @riverimages

]]> 2023-01-10T16:27:04+10:00 2023-05-18T09:27:41+10:00 PAPER BUTTERFLY Masayo Yasuki
Crushed textures and the softness of silk create dimensions. It can hide some emotions yet strengthen and make others shine. Mysterious elegance of the paper butterfly.


Crushed textures and the softness of silk create dimensions. 
It can hide some emotions yet strengthen and make others shine.  Mysterious elegance of the paper butterfly.
]]> 2022-11-29T09:41:24+10:00 2023-05-18T09:21:41+10:00 RAINFOREST Masayo Yasuki
The forest drips and glows with green. The tree-frog croaks his far-off song.
His voice is stillness, moss and rain, drunk from the forest ages long.




By Judith Wright

The forest drips and glows with green.
The tree-frog croaks his far-off song.
His voice is stillness, moss and rain.
drunk from the forest ages long.
We cannot understand that call
unless we move into his dream,
where all is one and one is all
and frog and python are the same.
We with our quick dividing eyes
measure, distinguish and are gone.
The forest burns, the tree-frogs dies,
yet one is all and all are one.
]]> 2022-11-21T11:53:03+10:00 2023-05-18T09:23:01+10:00 The Japanese Kimono Masayo Yasuki

The Japanese Kimono has been worn for around 3000 years since the Jomon and Yayoi era. It used to be a very simple cloth with holes for the head and hands.

The style of kimonos have evolved since. Very specific social status was displayed by the type and colour of kimono one would wear. The number of layers was also a symbol of importance.They started to distinguish the class and hierarchy by wearing different styles and types of kimonos during the Asuka and Nara era, which is about 1300 years ago.


Compared to the women in high class with layers of kimonos hiding hands and feet with cloth, middle class women are wearing relatively mobile kimonos with smaller width sleeves.

By the Edo era (about 400 years ago), there were more regulations about colours and quality of kimonos and who was allowed to wear them.
The women of luxury would wear up to 12 layers, often making it hard to move around under the weight of the fabric. Compared to high class women with beautiful embroidered kimonos, the middle class women are only allowed to wear simple colored kimonos such as grey and browns. So they started to create unique ways of tying obi belts and developing techniques for printing kimonos.

Even now, some of those traditions still exist. The long length sleeve kimonos are only worn by young unmarried women. Once they marry, they cut the sleeve off and show that they are no longer single.

These days we don't get to wear kimonos often in Japan.
As much as I like the tradition and cultures of Kimonos, I also like it when kimonos are used in contemporary and untraditional ways.

They are often enjoyed by non Japanese women on completely non-traditional occasions.
It is such a wonderful thing to see beautiful women with confidence wear kimonos in totally different ways.
How would you wear a kimono? Would you wear twelve layer kimonos?

]]> 2021-02-03T10:54:43+10:00 2023-05-19T13:52:05+10:00 HAND STITCHING Masayo Yasuki HAND STITCHING

When I see beautiful hand stitching, I just get so excited and the right side of my brain goes crazy.
Tamara, from our creative team created this beautiful hand stitching work.
She spent two hours hand stitching with this and I fell in love with it straight away.
I can imagine so many things incorporating this intricate work.
What can you imagine in this stitch work? 

]]> 2021-02-03T10:53:08+10:00 2023-05-18T09:39:05+10:00 My weekend Masayo Yasuki I hope you had a nice relaxing weekend! My weekend was pretty good.
Between my work and family I was able to go to a pottery class.
It's been a few weeks since my dear friend Paola and I joined the class. I have sometimes need to challenge myself to commit time towards the pottery class, because I have been so busy in my life trying to balance work and my family.
How about you? How do you balance your time between your personal life and work?
Once I get there, I really enjoy the atmosphere and the relaxed air of the class. I believe it's so good for me to switch off.
Please let me know your way to balance your daily life?
By the way - this is my achievement of making pottery.
I seem to be able to make only one shape at the moment... Hopefully I can change the shape in the next few weeks.