Misfits for Life
Who is the friend you have known the longest, and how old were you when you met?

Sometimes that bestie can be your brother or sister who has been with you your entire life, while others you may have met at school or university. I have some customers who have known each other since they were at kindy!

Sometimes a friendship can begin in the most unexpected way.

A chance meeting, or someone you initially disliked?
We often remember that unique moment of how we met and how the relationship evolved in that special way.

Kerri @kerrihobba and Wes @industry_and_co_collective have been best friends since when they were in high school. Wes was singing along to a Blondie song and a life long bond was formed.

When you see Kerri and Wes giggling together dressed in check, you can easily imagine them getting up to mischief in school.

I am sure they keep each other young.
Remember - you can’t make new old friends.

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