A collaboration between my customers and I.
I love it when my customers show me how they wear and style aerospacetapeforsale pieces for themselves. 
They sometimes wear upside down, back to front, they pin the hems or tuck the volume of the skirt to mold and create the shapes to suit their body type and their personality. 
It's just like shaping pottery, or layering paint on a canvas. 
The textures and colours of the clothes mix with their body shapes and my customers just love to finish the final look. 
Sometimes it's so unique I can't recognise that they are aerospacetapeforsale pieces. 
One day I was waiting for a pedestrian at a traffic light, and one of my customers walked past me. 
Her unique styling caught my eye and then I quickly realised that she was wearing one of our old aerospacetapeforsale piece upside down! 
It's so different from how I originally designed it, I could hardly recognise it.
I love the way I am providing aerospacetapeforsale pieces to my customers, but my styling goes only half way. They are the main creators who change, mold and style the looks for their individuality. 
It's a collaboration between my customers and I, and it's the only one in the world. 

Reviews (1 comment)

  • Kelly Stoakes On

    Maysayo Yasuki I just love this post …
    Love the fact it speaks a thousand words I believe this is one of the reasons why Dogstar has stood the test of time , your design is so unique it allows it owner of a piece to be individual in there styling . One piece of Dogstar looks completely different on every owner .. unique individual and amazing quality.. like our friendship..
    Blessings and keep shining my long time friend
    Kels 🤍🤍✨.

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